information about architecture-related events in the city

Social Housing in England: Testing the Logics of Reform

Professor David Robinson - Professorial Lecture

Tuesday 10 May 2011
6 for 6.30pm Room 9130
Furnival Building, Arundel Street, 
City Campus, Sheffield

Social Housing in England stands accused of being 'part of the problem, not the solution'; an agent of social exclusion that rewards need rather than effort and promotes dependency rather than responsibility.  In this lecture, Professor David Robinson will scrutinise these claims, which are being actively drawn on by the current Government to justify radical reform of the sector.  He will also consider the potential implications of these reforms, drawing on empirical evidence from a number of recent studies conducted with colleagues in CRESR.
David's research interests centre around analysis of the various opportunities, constraints and risks inherent within the UK housing system.  For the last 14 years he has worked in the Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research at Sheffield Hallam University. During this time he has directed numerous research projects and evaluations for funders, including central government departments (CLG, DWP, Home Office), local authorities and research charities. He is author of numerous academic outputs and co-founder of the journal People, Policy and Place Online.

Places are free and include refreshments and a light buffet, but must be booked in advance.  
