information about architecture-related events in the city

6pm Wednesday 15th February 2012
Stoddart 7140, Sheffield Hallam University

SHarc Guest Lecture: Barra Mac Ruairi - Strategic Director Regeneration & Culture, Bradford MDC: ''S, M, L, XL, XXL'' Barra Mac RuairĂ­ is the Strategic Director of Regeneration and Culture for the City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council and as such a member of the Council’s Corporate Management Team. The Department of Regeneration and Culture consists of Planning, Transportation and Highways, Housing, Employment and Skills, Economic Development, Property, Facilities Management, Culture and Tourism. He has been in post since January 2008. Before coming to Bradford, he was Head of Renaissance Towns & Cities at the Regional Development Agency Yorkshire Forward and prior to that worked for Urban Splash in Manchester and Liverpool.