information about architecture-related events in the city

Dear Sheffield...

The Sheffield Society of Architects is celebrating its 125th anniversary, and we want your help. 

We’re asking you for your anecdotes, photographs old or new, drawings, poems, models, paintings,  or even a piece of origami about your most beloved space in Sheffield, past or present, standing or flattened. It can be a public place or your own personal space, an architectural eyesore, or acclaimed award winner. 

Your responses will be part of an exhibition in Sheffield this autumn. We are not looking for masterpieces, it is not a competition, we want everyone in the city to join in with their thoughts on the places they hold dearest. Your submissions will be exhibited or photographed for exhibition as a postcard-sized piece of art. Please remember to send an email address and phone number with your submission and we will keep you informed on the exhibition.

> Email your submissions to: 

Post entries to: Dear Sheffield c/o 17 Broomgrove Road, Sheffield S10 2LZ

> Follow: @dearsheffield