information about architecture-related events in the city

SSA Design Workshop Social

Wednesday April 13th 2016
6pm - 9pm
Brood Bar at Roco
342 Glossop Road
Sheffield S10 2HW
United Kingdom

Sheffield Society of Architects are pleased to announce the next in a series of workshops organised to assist Sheffield City Council in writing a new Urban Design Compendium.
It is our aim to divide participants into groups to discuss the evolution of a series of sections, or ‘quarters’ of the city centre, and propose new ideas for the future development of these.

Special emphasis will be placed on the specific character of the place in question and how we might preserve or enhance this. What moves could be made to reinforce or create a sense of urban neighbourhoods? Possibly enhancing or generating core places within a quarter/urban neighbourhood or promoting a consistent urban character throughout.

Groups will be asked to work on particular examples of urban environments that we could include within the Urban Design Compendium to illustrate the kind of places you would like to see in Shef eld. The aim of the workshop is to produce a broad range of exciting, thought provoking and useful ideas.

The Urban Design Compendium is a document provided produced by Shef eld City Council in the early 2000’s to assist planning officials, developers and designers in shaping development within the city centre. The aspiration was “to create a step change in the quality of future development and public space design in the Sheffield city centre”.